Our Advantages

A single integration, multiple solutions.

Say hello to conversion (20%). Say goodbye to fraud.

Your business is safe: Multi-bank, alternative payment methods.


How does it work?

We connect you with banks and alternative payment methods

We present your business to our network of collaborating banks and alternative means of payment to study its feasibility.

We accompany you in the onboarding process

We guard your KYC to facilitate the onboarding process with all accepted providers. You will only have to send the documentation once to register multiple solutions.

A single API connects to all solutions

With just one integration you will have access to multiple banks and payment solutions. EasierPay is in charge of distributing your traffic to guarantee the health of your business.

Improve your conversion by up to 20%

We redeem up to 20% of your current transactions rejected by your current means of payment. We study products, countries, reasons for rejection and offer your users alternative payment methods or alternative payment methods to achieve sales success.

Reduce your levels of fraud and transaction costs

We apply advanced anti-fraud control rules, which entails not only a guarantee of stability for your business but also a drastic reduction in transaction costs: goodbye to chargeback penalties and reduction of transaction and return costs.

Total transparency: You are the direct owner of the trading accounts

At EasierPay we provide you with our collection software and access to our advanced back office. We only charge our commission for it but the owner of the merchant accounts (merchant) for total transparency will be you. You will receive the money directly from the providers without intermediaries.

360º EasierPay Backoffice:
Much more than an administration panel

EasierPay Backoffice
  • EasierPay Analytics: Advanced statistics.
  • Manage clients and accesses.
  • European VAT book for tax declaration.
  • Ticketing system for declaration of micro-sales and invoices.
  • Control and segment your conversion and fraud levels.




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